Power Mp3 Cutter (Mp3 Sound Cutter)

Application to cut sound files in MP3 and WAV formats.

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Power MP3 Cutter is a one of the fundamental tools when you feel “creative” workin with your sound files.

Think of this application just as a sharp digital scissors that will cut your sound tracks as simple as you were cutting a sheet of paper.

Its interface offers you two different modes: Power MP3 Cutter Professional and Classic Power MP3 Cutter.
If you are looking for a quick and easy job the Classic mode is what you need. The only tool bar you will see show you the tools you need to perform the cut, ordered from left to right as it were a production line. First of all you select the source file to cut. Then you can play it to choose the segment you would like to extract. How it works this process? As it plays, you can dinamically set the begin position and end position of your segment. At the end of the process you can listen to your selected segment and save it as a new file with a name you define, in the location you wish. You can choose between mp3 and wav format and use the fade in and fade out feature. Also you can use the batch cutter that will allow you to automatically cut multiple files from a job list.

Now, if you want to take a little more time and the task you are doing requires it, you can use the Professional mode. In this mode, besides the features commented before, you will be able to insert silences into the sound tracks, defining the position and duration of them. Also you can insert another sound file in the position you like. In this mode you can save your file in more formats: mp3, wav, wma, ogg, ape setting the configuration for the compression process.
You will see a graphic representation of the sound wave you are working with on a time scale. You can use your mouse in a drag a drop fashion directly on this screen to define the segment to be cut.

The main features of the MP3 Power Cutter are:

MP3 to WAV and WAV to MP3 converting support

Real time MP3 and WAV encoding and decoding support

Batch cutting support

MPEG I/II Layer I/II/III audio format support

Wide-range bitrate support from 32 kbps to 320 kbps.

Millisecond/second time-display modes and millisecond precision support

Direct fade-in and fade-out functions support

Unselected segment output support

Spectrum analyzer support

Simple and easy user interface


  • Dinamic definition of the segment to cut
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Low PC requirements


  • Unable to define more than one segment to cut at a time
  • Unsupported batch cutter y professional mode
  • Unsupported deletion of the segment definition. Not a freeware
This program received 2 awards
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trusted DOWNLOAD 1.9 MB
CoolSoft Inc.
License type:
Raj kumar 8 years ago

The cutter is not responding.

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